• Generative AI,  Large Language Model,  Machine Learning,  Technology

    Building Nom Navigator AI: Enhancing Search and Product Recommendation with Generative AI

    In this blog I share the step by step process of building a better search engine using Generative AI and Large Language models (LLMs). I built a restaurant recommendation system using Llama-2-7b-chat-hf, Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1, and bge-large-en-v1.5 and the result is an extremely relevant search result based on natural language. The app also helps in finding lesser-known culinary treasures and summarizes user reviews. Generative AI is an incredibly powerful tool that can really enhance your product. They can be used to enhance the user experience, increase the value of the offering, and reduce development time and costs. Generative AI technologies present a fantastic opportunity to boost products’ value, elevate customer satisfaction, generate…